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Ceiling Enclosure for PoE Lighting Nodes CB-12-PTF

The CB-12-PTF ceiling enclosure ensures the safety of the PoE nodes from the start. PoE lighting has changed the way we plan and execute IoT installations. Besides the design, implementing the PoE lighting system is now done earlier in the construction process.  The CB-12-PTF can be mounted in any ...Read more
Ceiling enclosures for PoE lighting nodes
Ceiling enclosures for PoE lighting nodes
Ceiling enclosures for PoE lighting nodesCeiling enclosures for PoE lighting nodescb-12-plt-inceilingcb-12-plt-inceiling-isocb-12-plt-closeupnodes

  • Description
  • Specifications

The CB-12-PTF ceiling enclosure ensures the safety of the PoE nodes from the start. PoE lighting has changed the way we plan and execute IoT installations. Besides the design, implementing the PoE lighting system is now done earlier in the construction process. 

The CB-12-PTF can be mounted in any location, such as acoustic tile ceiling with a threaded rod or a cable kit. The box can also be installed in a hard deck ceiling, using a CB-SR12 mounting kit. The ceiling enclosure holds 12 Platformatics Nodes – (PoE-LN2), has a removable card cage, and has venting on the sides and on top to keep the nodes within the permissible operating temperatures.

If you have PoE nodes, switches, or any equipment you want out of sight and safely stored in the ceiling. We can build an enclosure for it.



  • The CB-12-PTF ceiling enclosure ensures the safety of the PoE nodes from the start
  • Centralizes the Platformatics PoE nodes to less locations
  • Manufacturer specific PoE node enclosures - tailored to the product
  • Holds 12 Platformatics Nodes - (PoE-LN2)
  • Removable Card Cage
  • Venting on sides & top to keep nodes within the permissible operating temperature

BABAA Compliance

FSR floor, ceiling, table, wall box, and Smart-Way raceway products are Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant. Look for this logo on our website:


TAA Compliance

FSR ceiling box products meet TAA and BABAA requirements.


*Compliance by model may vary over time due to changes in legislation and/or manufacturing plan. Be sure to ask for certification at the time of order.


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