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WHERE: DeKalb County School GA – Hawthorne Elementary

WHEN: February 2020

WHAT: Smart-Way Raceway System

WHO: Joshua Albertson from Nisewonger AV


HawHawthorneElemthorne Elementary School recently renovated the Media Center. With new furniture, power and data were required at each collaboration table. The tables are used by both students and faculty and are essential for working in groups.

The collaboration stations are now widely used in education; and maintaining a safe and ADA compliant space is also re- quired. The challenge was avoiding trip hazards in the media center. Nisewonger AV looked at many options for getting power and AV to the collaboration tables. The solution needed to be safe, cost-effective, and meet both power and AV requirements for the space. The FSR Smart-Way was the perfect selection and overcame all the challenges. 


Smart-Way was chosen for its very low profile and ability to carry data and power. Nisewonger’s install team appreciated the Smart-Way design, as well as the ease of installation. Nisewonger AV demonstrated the Smart-Way system by laying out the raceway for the Hawthorne Elementary principal. She was delighted at the system's low profile. And, at time of install, the Nisewonger team completed the installation in a few short hours.

Principal Lisa Limoncelli states, “The Smart-Way has been a game changer for our students and teachers. Hawthorne had a plan for use when we installed the tables with access to power and USB ports. Unfortunately, we did not have a way to execute that plan. We had several ideas but nothing that was a good fit. Fortunately, Nisewonger kept looking for a solution for us and found out about Smart-Way. Having an easy and low- profile way to bring power to the tables has enabled us to use them the way we had intended.”


Nisewonger AV used 25’ of the Smart-Way Raceway with a 90-degree corner, bringing power and data to three tables with a total of four electrical outlets. The Smart-Way system provides the ability to have power for charging devices. This accessibility makes the collaboration space efficient for both setup and the collaboration session. There is no need to search for an outlet - AV and data connections are also avail- able through the Smart-Way system.

Principal Lisa Limoncelli stated, “Our main goal for installing Smart-Way was to have power in the tables we installed in our media center. The power would allow students to plug in their Chromebooks, tablets, etc. and work on projects together or independently. The power provided by the Smart-Way system also allowed teachers to conduct small group lessons with the ability to stream in video, use video conferencing and provide demonstrations on a large screen monitor that was connected to the tables. An added bonus we found was an additional meeting space with the ability to use the large screen monitor and go over documents and data with teachers, parents, therapists, etc. Overall, the Smart-Way system has enhanced our instruction and accessibility to in- formation by making the use of technology seamless.”

                                   SW Installed Dekalb School Case Study 1 SW Installed Dekalb School Case Study 2 SW Installed Dekalb School Case Study 3 SW Installed Dekalb School Case Study 4 

Looking Forward

Principal Lisa Limoncelli says, “The Smart-Way system has allowed teachers to pull small groups of students for individualized instruction and still have access to the same technology that their peers are using in the classroom. The Smart-Way system enables our students to work with technology collaboratively by sharing research, coding solutions, web-based learning, and interactive videos, without the inconvenience of being confined to the classroom charging cart.”

After the install was complete Principal Limoncelli was able to confidently recommended the system to other schools and even invited them to come and see it in action. Limoncelli adds, “Thank you Smart-Way System for unlocking barriers to technology and enhancing instructional practices for our students.”

About Smart-Way Raceway

FSR’s Smart-Way Raceway system is now configurable for either on top of (vinyl, carpet, wood) or in any flooring (carpet, wood, tile, laminate) with the provided edging. The Smart- Way raceway system reshapes how you get cables across the floor where they’re needed. Designed to fit today’s working environments, the Smart-Way prioritizes functionality without sacrificing good design or beauty. The Smart- Way is a simple, affordable, and effective way to clean up messy cables and wires, while getting them across the floor where needed.

The provided edging makes the Smart-Way dual purpose. Each raceway will be shipped with two pairs of edging, allowing it to go either on- or in-floor without purchasing additional parts. The in-floor edging allows you to install the raceway in any flooring .21"-.38" high; while the on-floor edging can be installed on top of any flooring.

The Smart-Way is the only floor raceway system that provides in-feed options to transition power and low voltage cables from the wall, ceiling or below the floor. While the Device Boxes and transitions offer the versatility of power and/or data in a stylish multi-color finish. All making the Smart-Way Raceway the intelligent choice.

About Hawthorne Elementary

The mission of HES is to establish a partnership between home and school that maximizes students’ potential to succeed. We strive to provide engaging learning opportunities in a safe and caring environment, and to encourage partnerships between parents, staff, students, and community. Hawthorne’s vision is to engage all members of the HES family to build a cohesive team focused on meaningful learning and leadership opportunities for students and staff with the goal of becoming life-long thinkers and learners.

About Nisewonger AV

Nisewonger AV was founded in 1968 by Jim Nisewonger. In the early days Jim focused all his attention on service and getting to know the customer. These are the same values we carry with us today. Technology may have changed during our 50 yearnisewonger av logos, but the level of serv- ice and commitment to our customers has not. If you ask Jim today how many years he worked, he’ll tell you that he never worked a day in his life. Nisewonger AV is focused on innovative technology solutions with a consultant approach to design and implementation. They maintain a high level of integrity in everything they do, advancing technology with old-fashioned personal service! 

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