Charging and Power
on Monday, 17 August 2015.
Charging stations are popping up all over campuses. It’s no wonder why when you consider that the average US college student brings 2-3 mobile devices to campus. This number is likely to continue to rise in the coming years. While laptop computers are the most common of these devices, smartphones are a close second and tablets a quick growing third.
Just as students expect colleges to offer wireless internet connection across campus (why not, my local coffee house has free Wi-Fi) they also expect convenient and usable locations to charge their devices.
FSR has developed a variety of solutions for charging mobile devices in classrooms, libraries, lounges, study areas or wherever power may be needed (this is in addition to accessible power in our table boxes.) Our charging products family includes:
Power/ Charging Tilt Up Box (TB-CHRG)
Want the charging station to be clutter free and easy? Add a handy USB charging board to remotely power up to 6 USB chargers with one power supply!
If you’d like to try any of these products out for an upcoming project, please let us know. FSR has a very generous product evaluation policy!