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Decorator Plate Inserts Decorator-Plate-Inserts

FSR can help you put all those unpleasant looking wires back in the wall. The Simple Solutions Decorator insert style wall plates offer you unlimited interconnection possibilities with sizes ranging from single through four gang plates in black or white.   Simple Solutions Inserts (Decorator P ...Read more

  • Description
  • Specifications

FSR can help you put all those unpleasant looking wires back in the wall. The Simple Solutions Decorator insert style wall plates offer you unlimited interconnection possibilities with sizes ranging from single through four gang plates in black or white.


Simple Solutions Inserts (Decorator Plate)
Item #Part
15715 SS-PORT3-W
Decorator Plate Insert style 3–Port -White
15717 SS-PORT3-B
Decorator Plate Insert style 3–Port -Black
15722 SS-PBLNK-W
Blank Decorator Plate Insert-White
15724 SS-PBLNK-B
Blank Decorator Plate Insert-Black
15720 SS-PORT6-W
Decorator Insert 6-Port-White
15727 SS-P2DB-B
Decorator Insert Two 9 Pin Holes
15730 SS-P2XLR-B
Decorator Insert Two XLR Holes
15733 SS-PDSXL-B
1 D-Sub/'D' XLR-Black
15775 SS-P1DB-B
Decorator Insert One 9-Pin Holes
15778 SS-P1XLR-B
Decorator Insert One XLR Holes
18068 SS-PORT4-B
Decorator Insert 4-Port-Black
Simple Solutions Inserts
15684 SS-BNC-W
Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
15740 SS-BNC-B
Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
15698 SS-CBLNK-W
10 Snap-in Blank-White
15747 SS-CBLNK-B
10 Snap-in Blank-Black
15688 SS-FCON-W
Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
15742 SS-FCON-B
Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
17204 SS-HDMI-W
HDMI Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
17288 SS-HDMI-B
HDMI Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
17209 SS-LC-B
Feed-Thru Snap-in-Black
15696 SS-MINI-W
1/8 Stereo Snap-in-White
26335 SS-MINI-B
1/8 Stereo Snap-in-Black
15690 SS-RCA-R-W
RCA Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
15743 SS-RCA-R-B
Red RCA Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
15694 SS-RCA-Y-W
Yellow RCA Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
15745 SS-RCA-Y-B
Yellow RCA Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
15682 SS-RJ11-W
.110 Term Snap-in 6-White
15680 SS-RJ45-W
.110 Term Snap-in 8-White
25991 SS-RJ45-B
CAT5e Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
16820 SS-RJCAT6-B
RJ45 CAT 6 Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
17624 SS-SCAT6A
CAT 6A Shielded Snap-in-Black
15686 SS-SCON-W
Pass-Thru Snap-in-White
15741 SS-SCON-B
Pass-Thru Snap-in-Black
Maintained Switch With LED 5-24v Snap-In-Black
Maintained Switch With LED 5-24v Snap-In-White
15790 SS-SWMOM-B
Momentary Switch With LED 5-24v Snap-In-Black
15791 SS-SWMOM-W
Momentary Switch With LED 5-24v Snap-In-White
17205 SS-USBA-B
USB Pass-Thru Snap-In-Black
USB Hardwired Pass-Thru Snap-In-Black
17207 SS-USBB-B
USB Pass-Thru Snap-In-Black
USB Hardwired Snap-In-Black
Product Documents
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