Furniture feed brass cover for SmartFit 6" poke-through.
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: Select One...
FSR's Fire-Rated "Poke-Thru" floor boxes provide aesthetics and installation ease. These sturdy core hole products combine flexibility via recessed mounting bracketry to accommodate a wide assortment of power, data and audio video connection options.
The entire cover door swings open 180° and the smaller cable access doors fold down for cable egress while the cover door is secure.
BAA Compliance
FSR floor, ceiling, table, wall box, and Smart-Way raceway products are Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant. Look for this logo on our website:
TAA Compliance
FSR floor box products meet TAA and BABAA requirements.
*Compliance by model may vary over time due to changes in legislation and/or manufacturing plan. Be sure to ask for certification at the time of order.
IMPORTANT DETAILS Choose your cover from the drop down...
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-CVR-BLK
FSR's Fire-Rated "Poke-Thru" floor boxes provide aesthetics and installation ease. These sturdy core hole products combine flexibility via recessed mounting bracketry to accommodate a wide assortment of power, data and audio video connection options.
The entire cover door swings open 180° and the smaller cable access doors fold down for cable egress while the cover door is secure.
BAA Compliance
FSR floor, ceiling, table, wall box, and Smart-Way raceway products are Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant. Look for this logo on our website:
TAA Compliance
FSR floor box products meet TAA and BABAA requirements.
*Compliance by model may vary over time due to changes in legislation and/or manufacturing plan. Be sure to ask for certification at the time of order.
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-CVR-ALM
FSR's Fire-Rated "Poke-Thru" floor boxes provide aesthetics and installation ease. These sturdy core hole products combine flexibility via recessed mounting bracketry to accommodate a wide assortment of power, data and audio video connection options.
The entire cover door swings open 180° and the smaller cable access doors fold down for cable egress while the cover door is secure.
BAA Compliance
FSR floor, ceiling, table, wall box, and Smart-Way raceway products are Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant. Look for this logo on our website:
TAA Compliance
FSR floor box products meet TAA and BABAA requirements.
*Compliance by model may vary over time due to changes in legislation and/or manufacturing plan. Be sure to ask for certification at the time of order.
IMPORTANT DETAILS SmartFit 6 Aluminum Cover
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-CVR-BRS
FSR's Fire-Rated "Poke-Thru" floor boxes provide aesthetics and installation ease. These sturdy core hole products combine flexibility via recessed mounting bracketry to accommodate a wide assortment of power, data and audio video connection options.
The entire cover door swings open 180° and the smaller cable access doors fold down for cable egress while the cover door is secure.
BAA Compliance
FSR floor, ceiling, table, wall box, and Smart-Way raceway products are Build America Buy America Act (BABAA) compliant. Look for this logo on our website:
TAA Compliance
FSR floor box products meet TAA and BABAA requirements.
*Compliance by model may vary over time due to changes in legislation and/or manufacturing plan. Be sure to ask for certification at the time of order.
IMPORTANT DETAILS SmartFit 6 Brass Cover
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-FFCVR-BLK
Furniture feed black cover for SmartFit 6" poke-through.
IMPORTANT DETAILS Black SmartFit 6" Furniture Feed Cover
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-FFCVR-ALM
Furniture feed aluminum cover for SmartFit 6" poke-through.
IMPORTANT DETAILS Aluminum SmartFit 6" Furniture Feed Cover
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: SF6-FFCVR-BRS
Furniture feed brass cover for SmartFit 6" poke-through.
IMPORTANT DETAILS Brass SmartFit 6" Furniture Feed Cover
17408, 17409, 17410, 17441, 17442, 17443
SmartFit 6 Covers: FL-xxx-SF6
The FL-xxx-SF6 cover mounting kits allow FSR's SmartFit SF6 round covers to be installed on any 3", 4", 5", 6", 8" or 10" deep back box for the FL-500P, FL-540P, FL-600P or FL-640P floor box.
IMPORTANT DETAILS 6" Cover Mounting Kit for FL-500P, FL-540P, FL-600P, FL-640P. Making square boxes go round. *SF6 cover and box bottom sold separately.