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social media rubiks e1446570773679Months back, after I had fully developed my second show techXchange (AV Power Up being the other) – a show designed to be about technology, news and trends with a measure of opinion inserted as well – I began to come up with a concept for a new podcast show. The show would exist on the “Edge of AV” as it would explore topics that affect the market from technology to media and more. Developed over a period of time, I decided to record a “pilot” of sorts as a tester to decide if it would become a regular podcast.


Recently, I asked my AV Power Up host Christa Bender to co-host this show with me and invited Penny Sitler of Draper, Inc. (whom I consider one of the very best industry marketing people) on with us, as well as George Fournier of FSR, Inc. Now you might ask why George as he is a sales engineer and not a sales person, however as I have known George for quite some time, I’ve seen his activity on social media – Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, especially – and thought how intriguing it is that engineers will go out on social media as well as the rest of the people you’d expect in the company (those being marketing and sales) to promote products, the company itself as well as things involving the industry, other realms of technology and business in general.

We talked about a few other things including blogging, which I for one consider strategic for branding and identity – company, product and personal as well.

The four of us talked for a little before starting about the approach that we’d take and once ready, I hit record and what you’re going to hear is the final product with excellent perspectives from Penny and George as well as Christa (I may have added a few myself…). I decided after all was said and done that I would wait to consider this as a Radio show as I wanted to explore a few things further concerning the concept, however I felt that it was fine to post in a blog.

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