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DESIGNING MODERN CLASSROOMS STEP 1: Transforming the Traditional Classroom into an Engaging Learning Environment

on Wednesday, 29 April 2015.
seen 17 1 pic pg 82

Originally published in the Spring issue of SEEN (South East Education Network) Magazine:

(This is part one of a two-part series on designing the modern classroom.)Technology rich classrooms offer incredible benefits for both students and instructors. From fostering blended learning environments through collaboration, critical thinking and practical problem solving to flipped rooms centered on student engagement; the classroom that was focused on traditional teaching has evolved into active learning.

Often, when renovating existing or creating new classrooms, incorporating the technology into the room begins after the furniture placement and room configuration is set. Frequently this process creates an obstacle to the implementation of truly modern active learning classrooms that wasn’t considered or foreseeable when the room was originally laid out. Many schools have installed technology in just about every classroom as a result of grants they were awarded. Understand that these grants were issued following successful research indicating technology rich educational spaces increase assessment scores, collaboration and retention. Technology in the classroom is only as effective and useful as the environment allows it to be. Limiting the potential for interaction, engagement and collaboration will reduce or eliminate the advantage of having a technology rich classroom. The unfortunate feedback to...

Re-imagine Traditional Teaching

Today’s technology installations aren’t effective if the idea of traditional teaching isn’t re-imagined. This should not understate the necessity of reviewing the configuration of the learning space early on in the technology design process. However, the re-evaluation of these existing or new spaces should likely start prior to the room design by understanding the teaching style most likely to be used in that room. Support for the current transformation of traditional teaching pedagogy to active learning is clear. Schools must utilize this movement to enhance room design by creating a committee of “active learning ambassadors” at the school to support the processes of design, implementation, training and overall success. Additionally, designers and administrators must outline and discuss the goals of the school as a whole. Having a firm idea of the intended use of the space, the school’s policies for security and BYOD, the layout of the room and building and the level of technological savvy your educators possess are some items to consider to efficiently and effectively design a technology rich room.

Support for this changing paradigm from what was traditional teaching to what is now active learning must be fostered within the school. Active...