Breaking Down Barriers: Making Sure Classroom Technology is Used
on Friday, 10 October 2014.
I originally posted this on rAVe [Publications]...
I recently wrote an article for EdTech Digest called “Keys to Engagement: Connectivity Challenges in a Technology-Rich Classroom.” In it, I outlined some challenges and solutions common to modern learning spaces, but which are often not at the top of mind when designing or installing room equipment.
One of the ideas I brought up was that “aside from aesthetics, cable management and connectivity can determine if the technology in a classroom is intuitive and easy to use or cumbersome and not being used at all.” While true, this is not the only factor that detracts from the use of classroom technology. There are a number of reasons teachers and professors may not use the well designed and helpful equipment.
Lack of training
Of course this is the most obvious. It can take months to complete a room integration project. But once the installation is complete and the technicians are gone, the project is not done. The users have to be trained on the new equipment. Even if you (as a techie) know how to use it, doesn’t mean the end users do. Simply- if they don’t know how to use it, they won’t use it. Take the time to train.
Unintuitive controls
All the training in the world is not going to save a system that just doesn’t make sense to the users. If something is unintuitive, it will take too long to figure out. If it takes too long to figure out, it won’t be used in a classroom. Neither children nor adults have the patience for this. Overly complicated controls fall into this category as well.
Poor Placement
I touched on this in my previous blog, “Keeping Active Learning Spaces Active.” Remember- any type of barrier, whether intentional or not, prevents movement and flow. Technology in the classroom is only as effective and useful as the environment allows it to be. Limiting the potential for interaction...